Luna Park, North Sydney

Decided to leave Sydney.
Rather than spending whole one year in Sydney,
I agreed with my friends to go to the farm
to work as a Tax-Job for 90 days to get a Second Visa.

My first plan was to get 2nd Visa and stay in Australia for another year.
It has not yet been decided which farm to go,
and what to do in the farm.

One Korean friend who worked at a restaurant together was working at a Bundaberg farm, so there was talk of going there.

But that has not yet been confirmed either.

I decided to walk alone in Sydney to clear my mind,
and wanted to go a little far today.
Set out to walk recklessly to North Sydney crossing Harbour Bridge.

The Apple Store looks really cool.
It’s wonderful to have such a wonderful building in the middle of the city.

It is an Apple store with a whole glass building that seems to be inappropriate but fits,
because it is lined with old European-style buildings that are 200 years old, left and right, front and back, although not seen in the picture.

Martin Place is a fairly large square where the Matrix movies(1999) were filmed.
The space is very cozy and has an atmosphere.
On fine days, newlyweds were often seen taking there pictures.
On weekends, there are many outdoor performances and various events.

Continued to walk towards North Sydney.

There are various restaurants and shops in Rocks, and there are many different attractions to experience.
It is not difficult to see Aborigine, a native Australian, playing the traditional instrument Didgeridoo.

Couldn’t see the Aborigine today.
Instead, I could see the outdoor performances of Indio, or people who seemed to be from South America.

I can see souvenirs and handicrafts at the Rocks Market.
Several shops were filling the streets over the weekend on a short street.
It’s fun just looking around without buying something and time went by well.

Climbed the stairs from Rocks and moved to Harbor Bridge.
I could see many illegal parking cars under the bridge.
Australia is a country where fines are very scary, and there are many people who go out around Rocks on weekends, so there were a lot of cars.
It was not difficult to see such illegal parking.

Now I’m going to cross this Harbour Bridge and head north.
The view of Circular Quay and Opera House from the bridge is not bad.

Because of its symbolism,
the opera house seems to be very cool from any angle.
It also goes well with the old buildings in Rocks.

There are more people walking across Harbor Bridge than I thought.
I thought it would be lonely and scary to walk alone for a long distance, but I don’t think I needed to worry about that.

Looking closely, it’s a really huge reinforced structure.
It is a bridge between a vehicle in the middle and a train in the side, and the size is enormous.

Circularky and Sydney City View.
I gradually moved away from the city and moved to North Sydney.

While crossing the bridge, I could see people doing bridge climbing.
Because it is such a huge and large structure, people can experience the activity of walking directly to the top.
There is a guide, safety hook, and confidence, but I didn’t try it because I was scared.

It’s a really relaxing scenery.
It is one of the scene of Finding Nemo(2003).
I remember enjoying watching Nemo’s adventure, front of the opera house.

Walked for a long time and nearly crossed the bridge end.
The end of the bridge becomes a boulevard that leads directly to downtown North Sydney.

It is the same Sydney, but Sydney which crossed the bridge, is different from Sydney City.

The building is not that high and I feel a little more relaxed.

North Sydney is also a famous rich village in Sydney.

I met my country, Avante, a small car from Korea here.

Someone said that it is so glad if see hometown crow when left home away,
I couldn’t take my eyes off from it until disappeared.

I think I’ve come to the right place.

Nth Sydney

Certainly the building is low and I feel relaxed.
The lower part of the bridge had another scene and story from the south.

Brad Field Park, a park with a view of the harbor.
Unlike Rocks,
there was a big park, and many people were already coming out and enjoying the park.

In the late afternoon, I was able to experience and learn exactly what it felt like to enjoy such relaxation.
These are the memories that I want to think back and recall now that I am being chased by urgent.

The purpose of today’s trip to North Sydney is to go to the amusement park under the bridge at the northern end of Harbor Bridge.

It was the Luna Park.

It is an amusement park in Sydney, and although it is not large in size, it was an amusement park that can be enjoyed near the city.

I didn’t mean to enjoy the ride at Luna Park.
The weather was just fine, and there was no work today.
I wanted to walk across Harbour Bridge, and at the end of the bridge was a leisurely Sydney people and amusement park.

You can see the entrance to Luna Park clearly from the Opera House or Circular Key.
The entrance to Luna Park, seen closely, was even a little grotesque.
What kind of world will I see if go into that mouth?

Well, 100,000kw(Korean Won, AUS$99) a year?
Should I hang up too?

There was no separate admission fee at Luna Park.
Like the city park, you could enter whenever you wanted,
but to ride the ride, you had to buy a separate ticket.
If the annual membership was 100,000kw, it wouldn’t be bad.

Did they know that I was too short?
Both my courage and my physical height were small to ride the ride.

The clowns were playing with the children.
I’m not a child, but I was so thankful for the clown who played with me also.

It is well decorated to make you feel like you are in an amusement park.
Pierrot is in charge of the trash can.

And it was a game where the second carriage won.

As expected, food cannot be left out in amusement parks.
In slightly hot weather, ice cream is like an oasis in the hot desert.

I used to ride bumper cars a lot when I went to amusement parks.
It was so nice to meet a bumper car in Sydney.
There is also an Australian license, and I had a great urge to start the engine.
But I didn’t ride it just looking around.

Luna Park is not that big.
But it’s located at the bottom of Harbor Bridge, along the sea.
Many people in Sydney were looking for and enjoying themselves.
It doesn’t have to be as large as Everland in Korea,
but it is enough to find and enjoy with family and children.

Ferris wheel is the universal use.
It is also international law not to use it as an amusement park without it.

I looked at this mural for a while.
It was a really well-drawn mural with a three-dimensional effect that seemed to seduce me to come in with a curtain on one side of a really large and wide wall.

I even moved my body from side to side to see if a circus was actually happening inside the curtain.

I was still a child.
I was looking to see if I still had a childhood innocence.

Thor, a girl.
Actually, I didn’t know Thor at that time.
It was just the time that the first Iron Man movie was released and the opening of the Avengers.

Seeing the children smile so brightly makes me feel good.
Today, I came to Luna Park and thought a lot.
And I decided not to forget this feeling that I would soon leave Sydney.

As I left Luna Park,
I said goodbye to the entrance.
I said I hope you don’t look at me strangely when we meet again later.

As you can see Luna Park clearly from the Opera House,
The Opera House does not look far from Luna Park.

The Two continue to look at each other like this.
And Harbour Bridge is black and long like the Ojakgyo Bridge, connecting the two.

After leaving Luna Park,
I sat on the lawn under Harbor Bridge for a long time and enjoyed the view of the Opera House and Sydney City across the harbor.
I thought it would be a shame if I crossed the bridge right away.

I used this scene as the background of my laptop during staying in Australia.
I wanted to keep this feeling for a long time.
I’m sorry to Sydney that I decided to leave Sydney.
There was also a vague time with no end, like a railroad to the late 20s.

Apr. 12. 2009

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