Australian Open Tennis

On my day off, I played tennis with my friends.

Tennis is quite a popular sport in Australia, and the city of Melbourne, which is just as famous as Sydney, is also the place where the Australian Open tennis tournament is held.

Reflecting this popularity, it’s easy to find tennis courts in Sydney City, and anyone can easily play tennis comfortably.

We played a game of tennis with my friends.
There were no spectators or broadcast cameras, but we enjoyed playing tennis.

It was my first time playing tennis since I was born.
In 1999, at the turn of the century, I enjoyed playing Virtua Tennis, a game made by Sega, a famous game company in Japan.
I often put in 100 won(10 cent) and broke the game’s high score.
When I competed against someone I didn’t know, I usually won,
so I enjoyed it a lot and was good at it.

My friends had a muscular body.
We still met occasionally, but he always exercises and his body was strong and muscular.
Thanks to that game, I knew the rules and scoring methods of tennis.
I fell in love with the charm of tennis while playing the game, but real tennis was very different from the game.
First of all, it consumed a lot of stamina and was a sport that clearly required muscle exercise.
However, because I lacked exercise other than walking, I quickly got tired and couldn’t keep up with the ball.
I tasted the bitter experience of losing to my friends who like sports.
Today, I lost, but I decided to practice for a few days and have another match.
It’s not that I was determined to beat my friends, but I just realized that tennis is a fun sport and exercise after playing in Australia.

Sep. 21. 2009

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